Kill Those Shanks
Here's how to eliminate the shanks
Kill Those Shanks Drill
- Start slowly. It's not a race
- Use the small sponge only
- Rest the toe of the club against sponge and then pull back 2-3 mm (a small amount)
- Swing freely
- And repeat
Another drill that works best when you start slowly. It's not a race. Set a small sponge on a driving range mat or the FSP Swing Trainer and then nestle the club nice and close to the sponge (as per video).
Pull the toe of the club away from the sponge slightly and then swing. If you hit the sponge you know that the heel of the club was getting close to the ball. Repeat as needed.
My recommendation is to start with a PW or 9 iron. These are great clubs to learn with because they are shorter and nice and heavy (easier to feel them in your hands)
Note: If you start hitting the ball off the toe, please use a second sponge as per Ball Striking Mastery Video