I was coaching a putting client the other day, and he was struggling.

Like a lot of adult golfers, he was making things way more complicated than they needed to be—overthinking, over analysing, and ultimately making a mess of his putting.

And to top it off, he was making a classic mistake with my Look & Shoot System…

👉 He was mixing his old habits with my approach.

This never works. It’s like trying to drive with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. You end up stuck, frustrated, and going nowhere fast.

I knew if he could stop thinking so much and just putt, he’d start rolling the ball better immediately.

So I sent him this email (as a reminder) to reset his focus and get his putting back on track…

Start of email:
Putting is no harder than tossing a ball to someone. Seriously.

If I asked you to throw a ball to a friend standing a few meters away, you wouldn’t overthink it. You’d just toss it.

Same with putting. Stand over the ball, roll it toward the hole, and tap it in.

Then repeat.

There’s no magic trick. No secret formula. Just treat all putts the same.

Yes, you’ll miss some. But you’ll also make plenty. And if you’re averaging 36 putts per round, that’s at least 4-5 too many. You should be closer to 30 or 31

(unless you’re hitting 16 greens in regulation—then you get a pass. But almost always, my clients start having fewer than 30-33 putts per round).

So what’s going wrong with your putting? I’ve seen it 100,000 times…

Golfers think they’re following the system, but they’re not. They’re:

❌ Overthinking the stroke
❌ Trying too hard
❌ Getting too technical with line and speed
❌ Standing over the ball too long
❌ Tensing up and hesitating
❌ Taking too many practice strokes

They struggle to let go, and their results suffer.

Does this sound familiar?

Here’s your fix:

Spend 10 minutes putting freely—either on the course or even on the carpet at home.

No obsessing over technique. No worrying about makes and misses. Just putt in a way that feels good and let the ball roll.
That’s it.

Give it a go and report back with your findings. [/end of email]

I know this advice sounds too simple—but that’s the point. And I know many golfers with HATE this type of coaching because it’s making THEM do the work. Golfers WANT to be told precisely what to do but this all part of the problem.

Further, most golfers ignore it because they’re bombarded with way too much technical instruction. They get trapped in mechanics instead of trusting their instincts (in other words, we think we need LOTS of info to play better)

But when you ditch the noise and commit to putting freely, your game changes.

🔹 No technical swing thoughts
🔹 No unnecessary pressure
🔹 No over-complicating what should be simple

If you haven’t seen my Look & Shoot Putting System book then you can check it out by tapping the link below. Comes with a bunch of bonus stuff that walks you through the process step by step and helps unlock your authentic putting game..

And to this day, Look & Shoot is my all time best seller 🙂

Look & Shoot Putting System book >>