I’m not a big fan of spending vast amounts of time fixing my golf swing or working on technique. This does not mean that my golf game is perfect or that it doesn’t need some work…it does! I have faults and maybe I could improve if I worked on them. I choose to ignore them. I have worked hard to automate my golf game and I truly enjoy what I have…a reliable golf swing that has provided me hours of enjoyment and will continue to do so in 2008. It’s a great feeling and something that I don’t want to jeopardise by trying to fix a tiny aspect of my golf swing.
I keep receiving email from those that want to know how to incorporate swing changes into their game. I understand that owning a horrible slice isn’t much fun or hitting the ball on the head, so it dribbles along the ground, is frustrating and a big hit on your ego. So what is the best way to make some changes to your game?
The following ideas should be kept in mind when making any changes;
- Always work on one thing at a time. This is not flexible!
- Forget about where the ball goes…it’s irrelevant. Hitting balls into a net is the perfect training environment. Do not focus on good or bad shots. You are in training mode not playing mode!
- Practice in short sharp sessions. By short I mean 15 minutes maximum. You will get distracted and lose focus if you go any longer.
- Always have automation in the back of your mind. Finish of each session with some automatic play. Practice like you play is key.
- Be realistic! Aim high…but don’t expect massive change to happen in one short session. Sneak up on a swing change and you’ll OWN the new swing. It not real to go from a slice ball to a long and straight ball over night. Those that understand this and stick with the process make the biggest breakthroughs.
You have a decision to make. Are you prepared to stick to the above process to fix your golf swing? It takes work and can be a little boring. After all, it’s not easy working on your backswing, not worrying about where the ball goes and ignoring every thing else that is going through your mind. But this is what you have to do!
I have found a niche market by helping golfers find their natural swing. In nearly all cases this swing helps them lower their score, hit the ball further and find a level of consistency that makes the game more fun. This is the reason that I focus on this more than making swing changes.
It’s more enjoyable and results can be quicker – a lot quicker. You already own your golf swing, you just need to be shown how to let it out. I also believe that your natural game gives you the ability to improve gradually over time. You aren’t stagnant – you learn to creep up on improvement, sometimes you don’t even notice it. This is real – how did you learn to ride a bike, drive a car, throw and catch a ball?
My honest advice is to discover you inside talent first. Remove the straight jacket and unleash the golfing genius that is already inside you. You’ll find this easier and if it doesn’t work, you can always follow the boring approach second.
Let me know how you get on.
Good golfing,
Cameron Strachan