I received the video below from a regular reader. It put a smile on my face and I’m thrilled to see little Henry do so well. We can all learn a lot from watching this small clip.

  • I love the way he tosses the second ball onto the ground and then “dances” up to it. Hits this shot to about a foot by the way
  • He is so free flowing. Also love the way he holds his finish
  • He is not thinking about “how”. He’s just playing the game

I love it! We’re all like this when we are young. Somewhere along the way we start thinking too much, trying too hard and forget to just hit the ball. It’s a shame really. When we “try” and do things right we tend to stuff things up.

If you’ve been struggling with your game you should take a leaf out of Henry’s play book. I reckon this won’t be the last we see of him.

Watch the video below.


Video published with permission