I had the bug to hit some balls today – haven’t felt it in years.

It was pissing rain and I was in the work gear but I didn’t care – loved it! The focus was on hitting the ball and enjoying the experience – absolutely no thought on trying to impress, working on technique or worrying about results. It was magic.

The more balls I hit the better my focus. The rain and wind (nor the gumboots) were an issue. I don’t expect everyone to practice in horrible conditions, but sometimes it’s a good thing to push your boundaries and allow you to step it up.

When Clare arrived home she thought I was crazy – she jumped out of the car and took these happy snaps.

Koda (AKA “Shiffer”) had a great time and the rain is certainly going to help things along.

Hitting golf balls in the rain

Hitting golf balls in the rain

Koda keeping an eye on me on the golf range

Koda keeping an eye on me on the golf range