Hook. Slice. Duff. Shank. They’re enough to drive you mad. The search for a better game can be quite difficult – but it’s not impossible.

The typical approach to fix your game is to bombard your system with more info – tips, lessons and quick fixes. Sometimes they work, but mostly they don’t. And the problem is you’re continually on the search for something new to work on. It gets tiring doesn’t it?

Instead of trying to fix your swing, worry about your score or searching for the next miracle tip, forget about all the BS and feel your swing. Become an expert at your game – what your swing feels like, your emotions and how you feel. Relax and just become aware of what is happening.

This is a far cry from controlling – you’re not trying to control any part of your swing – you’re only noticing what is happening. Please stick with me because this is important.

Awareness is the light that will make your problems go away. If you feel that your swing is tight it will suddenly become more relaxed. And it’s the same for,

Swing too quick and your swing will slow down
Hitting the ball thin then you’ll start to find the sweet spot
Hitting the ball weakly and you’ll find some extra power
Notice some tightness in your back and it will suddenly feel loose

It almost seems too good to be true. But the answer is in waking up and feeling your swing.

Golf shouldn’t always be about shooting a great score. Sometimes playing with freedom, fun and without stress makes the game worthwhile and this reader understands the magic of a perfect mindset;

“For the past few weeks I’ve tried your techniques, including in a few tournament rounds and really enjoy it. I can’t say I am taking fewer putts per round but I’m not taking more. I am certainly taking less time to putt and it’s less stressful. I really enjoy the process of reading the putt, committing to a line then getting over the ball and making my natural stroke. No practice strokes, no worrying about line or speed, just letting my feel take over. My goal is to commit and hit – listen to my inner voice that says this one should be hit harder or softer or higher or lower. When I do that I am hitting and making some nice putts. When I don’t, the quality of my putt is not as good, so I have become much more aware of what it feels like to let go and trust it.
Thanks for the great ideas”

Now I could have dug up a testimonial that was more exciting – like, “I’ve halved my handicap”, “shot my best score ever”, “won the club championships” or “I only had 23 putts this round”. But the above letter is profound. Playing good golf with far less stress and worry. It really is possible.

When you can play good golf without having to stress but still have a great time, why would you want to play any other way? Another big benefit is that you’ll walk from the course with more energy – the game is not a drain. You may even feel like going around again.

Oh yeah, you’ll most likely shoot the kind of scores you’ve been trying so hard to achieve.
Now doesn’t that sound like fun?