I’ve just finished playing this afternoon – I didn’t have the best game but it was a lot of fun. I always think that the worst day of golf beats the best day of working:)

Today I was joined by a new junior member who really impressed me. He has a distinctive swing, not orthodox, but it definitely got the job done. This little guy played without any fuss and was able to repeat his swing time after time. He shot 4 over, which is a good score on a difficult golf course and a course he isn’t that familiar with.

I hope he doesn’t change his swing. I’m sure there will be pressure to do so as he gets older – but I hope he resists the urge. I’m positive that he can become a super player with what he has – I’d hate to see his natural style compromised and be forced to look more conventional.


The main topic of conversation today was Greg Norman. He currently has a two shot lead at The Open. There is only about six hours before he hits off in the final round, and I’ve been asked about 100 times if he can win.

Each time I said, “Of course he can!”

Greg Norman has been my hero since the first time I saw him play in 1988. I was so impressed by his charisma and style of play that I gave up a promising soccer career to play golf. There has always been something special about him and it doesn’t surprise me that he is doing so well.

I think all of the near misses, bad luck and poor finishes of previous major losses will hold him in good shape later today. He has nothing to lose and I’m sure he is in a better head space then he has ever been before going into the last round of a major.

The big key is for him to keep swinging and playing aggresively. I really hope he goes for it, keeps taking driver on most holes and doesn’t opt for a safe game plan.

If he can get over the line it will be one of the greatest wins of all time. I’m a little biased, but I can’t think of anything in recent times that would match that achievement. Can you?

I’m astounded that Channel 7’s lead news story tonight was the world record by Grant Hackett in the 800 metre short course Olympic trial. A great effort, but surely Norman’s effort so far is a bigger story? Maybe I’m missing something or just biased?

Anyway, I can hardly wait and I’m off to bed to get some sleep before it gets underway.