Feb 25, 2013 | Articles
Today was going to be the day that my putting green was going to have the grass installed. Unfortunately, it’s raining cats and dogs and doesn’t look like stopping anytime soon. Since our arrival in QLD we’ve gone through a heat wave, drought and so...
Feb 24, 2013 | Articles
This is the title of my report that introduces you to my philosophies and coaching concepts. It also gives you some of my backstory and highlights why I’m so passionate about the golf improvement process. I have reworked this title a few times and even added a...
Feb 23, 2013 | Articles
Last year I had a crazy idea to launch a golf magazine – decided to publish it on the Apple network in the Newsstand section. Why? Because I read that some crazy number of Ipads had been purchased in the first few years – around 80 million or so (please...
Feb 22, 2013 | Articles
Despite little Jessica causing some sleep issues I’m firing on all cylinders. After months of planning and preparation the Golf Farm is starting to take shape. I’ve had a crash course in tee and green building, excavation, log manipulation and bunker...
Feb 21, 2013 | Articles
These guys are awesome and offer us some insight into the learning process (please watch the video and then seen my comments below) A quick question: Do you think these artists are thinking about body positions, club alignment or are they focussed on hitting the ball?...
Feb 15, 2013 | Articles
Just a little heads up – the site is going through some changes and updates so there has been some downtime. Hopefully we’re through the worst of it now but there still could be an outage or two before the golf blog is firing on all cylinders. Thanks for...