The first golf ball has been struck

It’s official! We (Clare, Koda and myself) have finally made the big move into our new home (Golf Farm) on the Sunshine Coast. The weather has been bloody hot and we’ve had a mountain of things to do. But we’re getting there and excited about the...

A no fuss golfer

Richard is an exceptional golfer. Sadly, most can’t see the brilliance of the way he plays the game. To many, he is quirky and a little unorthodox. To me, Richard plays almost the perfect game. Over the last week I was lucky enough to play five times with him....

A Golfing Misadventure

Yesterday was my last chance to catch up with Scotty Barrow before my big move to Queensland. We decided 9 holes were in order and chose a public course just north of the Melbourne CBD. This course has received some publicity as management has been taken over by some...

Still going strong at 82!

This message comes from Harry who’s 82 years young. It’s emails like this that keep me motivated to keep producing content and sharing my ideas. Over the last two months I have reduced my handicap from 26 to 19 not without a lot of practise with the...

Playing your best golf more of the time

2012 has been an interesting year. Things haven’t always gone to plan but like most things, this has resulted in some important lessons. The big thing has been to follow my gut more and despite what others say, to keep trucking. And this isn’t just in...

10 things I like about Peter Senior

Peter Senior’s win at the 2012 Australian Open was remarkable. And it had less to do with the fifty-three year old beating bigger, stronger and younger competitors, or taming a difficult course in horrendous conditions. Nope, what was remarkable to me was his...