An expert coach has his say

I found an email from Scott Barrow while cleaning out my inbox. Scott has been a mate for a few years and we both share an interest in coaching and thinking outside the box. This post offers two different perspectives which I hope you find interesting. Scott is not a...

The Desperate Golfer – part 4

Continued from part 3 And the reason I wasn’t focused was because I was so concerned about my swing. At this point I was taking a lot of golf lessons, weekly lessons on trying to perfect my technique. Maybe it was my fault, maybe the pros but most likely a combination...

The Desperate Golfer – part 3

So far the story of the desperate golfer goes like this; Learned to play fairly naturally and instinctively in a horse paddock – hitting balls back and forth. From here formal golf lessons disrupted the pattern, but there was a brief interlude with a young pro...

Crazy golf psychology

Golf can be a nightmare at times. Just when you think you’ve worked things out, the game jumps right back and grabs you. And before you know it, you’re stuck in a year long rut with your handicap and scores rising. If you’re not careful, you can...

The Desperate Golfer – part 2

For years I’ve been telling people my first golf lesson was a disaster. It’s a good story but not entirely the truth because there was an informal lesson I had before taking serious lessons. And this lesson was anything but a disaster… The public golf course I started...

The Secrets of a Desperate Golfer

Dear Golfer, Do you receive my emails and read my blog posts? Good, because there’s some good stuff in there. If you implement the concepts then you should see some positive improvements in your game – most notably, better performance with less stress and...