Apr 26, 2011 | Articles
Scientific testing of golf swing Smashing the ball from the tee makes golf fun. And if there’s something I get asked over and over is What can I do to hit the ball further? Way back in 2004 I was part of a biomechanical study of the golf swing. It was pretty...
Apr 20, 2011 | Articles
I read with interest a new article by my mate and super coach Scott Barrow (here). From a golf perspective I’ve always wondered why golfers practise with ear plugs in (to be honest you don’t see it very often, mostly the younger, serious golfers. But it is...
Apr 15, 2011 | Articles
Hearing about Kevin Na taking 16 shots on one hole brought back some memories for me. Last year it took me 12 hits to complete the 18th hole during the Club Championships. I still don’t know it happened and it all but ruined my chances of defending the title. It...
Apr 13, 2011 | Articles
Had a great phone conversation with a regular client today. We covered all sorts of golfy stuff but the most important thing we spoke about was practise. In particular we spoke at length about finding way to practice golf when you don’t have much time. Mostly...
Apr 3, 2011 | Articles
It’s done! After a fair bit of mucking around, my first golf book is finished. So what’s it about? It’s essentially a detailed summary of my main ideas for playing better golf and automating your game. I outline the exact things that are most likely...
Mar 31, 2011 | Articles
This is a phrase that we’ve all uttered. On the days when you don’t feel quite right, hitting a golf ball can seem like the hardest thing. It certainly does feel like we lose our ability to make contact with the ball. But can you actually lose your golf...