Trusting my golf swing and being a co-pilot

Golf can be so frustrating! You think you’ve got the game worked out and then the next minute you’re struggling. The last few months of golf have not been that good for me. Maybe the worse in over 10 years. I took 12 shots up the last hole in the Club...

How to hit a lob shot

The lob shot is a pretty good shot to have. It can get you out of trouble and make you look good in front of your friends. When played correctly it can certainly save you a shot or two each round. Well worth having the ability to hit a good lob when you need it most....

How to play better when you’re feeling off

Golf can be hard work. Chances are you’re never going to be feeling 100% – your swing feels bad, you have no confidence, your back is stiff and you’re not happy about the weather. But this is exactly the opportunity to show us what you’re made...

Train your brain for better improvement

Here’s a common scenario when implementing automatic golf for the first time. You head to the golf course or practice fairway and swing away. You’re not concerned too much about your swing or technique. You’re happy to “free wheel” and...

Dave Pelz goes Automatic

I’ve been a fan of Dave Pelz for years now. He probably has forgotten more about the short-game than most people know. A smart thinker, he has made those little shots popular for serious golfers and shown the importance of having a better short game. Having been...

Daniel Gaunt

Daniel Gaunt is a great golfer. We played a bit during the 90’s and roomed together during Tour School. He was way better than me. In fact, he was better than most. He beat Aaron Baddeley consistently and had this incredible self belief. It seemed that real...