Some free golf instruction

I’ve been busy lately. I’ve updated this golf blog and also built a new main golf website. I got a little sidetracked earlier in the year. I lost focus with the core objective of the website and took too much advice from dodgy marketing gurus. That was a...

Ego and Score

Here’s a short video called “Ego and Score”. Main points: Men let ego get in the way of them shooting better scores Need to differentiate between your ego shots and what is the correct shot to play Can’t worry about what others think about your...


Back to the stats night (this is sure getting a fair run 🙂 ). An interesting point mentioned by the presenter is that some coaches are starting to realise that the golf swing is not overly important. They’re now thinking the most important thing is, Scoring and...

Stats Part Two

I woke up this morning thinking about golf stats. Probably need to get out more but there’s something else I wanted to add (I got inspiration from Steady here). An automatic game will give you the most accurate stats available. Conscious play always throws a...


I went to a presentation tonight on golf statistics. Some great technology and all very interesting but I’m not sure if what I saw will help many golfers. The computer basically had a complicated way of saying that the short-game is vitally important. Probably...

Tiger Woods is not a perfect golfer

Tiger Woods has came and conquered the Australian Masters at Kingston Heath. He now has a win on Melbourne’s famous sandbelt and can tick off another achievement in his long list of accomplishments. But Tiger is not the perfect golfer. He does not hit the ball...