Apr 14, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
With the Masters over for another year I thought it would be a good time to talk about playing golf under pressure. It doesn’t matter how good a golfer you are, you will experience pressure on certain shots, and if you don’t know how to cope with the...
Apr 8, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
If you’d like to experience something different with your golf game you might like to try some of the following; Hit a five iron like it’s your wedge ( high and soft landing shot that only flies about 110 metres or so) Hit the ball the maximum distance...
Apr 4, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
A big mistake I see is golfers trying to cram a practice session in before they play. I think it is the worst thing you can do; makes you think too much wares you out likely to get tense if you hit some poor shots make unnecessary changes get stiff and over...
Apr 3, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
I’ve made a serious commitment to write four or five blog posts a week. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with something interesting and beneficial. When I get stuck I write. I stop thinking and let the pen (keyboard) flow. Almost always something of real...