Dec 12, 2007 | Articles, Golf Instruction
I have just opened my new golf teaching studio. It’s located in Hawthorn in Melbourne’s inner east. If you’d like a lesson on reaching your full potential and discovering your natural and powerful golf game then give me a tingle…it would be...
Dec 11, 2007 | Articles, Golf Instruction
I have written about the importance of the short game before…but I thought it would be a good idea to cover some important points again. In the last few weeks I have received a number of calls and emails asking to describe the key points of putting, chipping,...
Dec 10, 2007 | Articles, Golf Instruction
Dear golfer, I took a trip away over the weekend to play with a regular client. John is from Thurgoona, near Albury on NSW and Victorian border. I hadn’t played at Thurgoona before and was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the golf course. It is long,...
Dec 6, 2007 | Articles, Uncategorized
Two years ago I decided to try and play a round of golf midweek. I did this for a couple of reasons; I wasn’t playing enough at my golf club and though the extra game would justify the large yearly fee. A game midweek would compliment my Saturday round and could only...