How To Slow Down

“Take your time!” or “You rushed that shot!” These are things golfers have been told forever. But, how does one take their time? The main point here is that it’s normally not enough to just slow down. Why? Because if your process is all...

Was this guy a golf swing guru?

Many years ago, I worked with a guy who was a complete golf swing guru. He had all the knowledge and could talk ALL day about swing theory. And I was excited to learn how to: Swing The Club On Plane (this was all the rage) Sync My Upper Body With My Lower Body (this...

Better Golf Practice Ideas

Two important processes to understand when it comes to golf practice is: Frequency and, Relevancy Simply, the more you practice golf in a way that’s similar to actually playing golf, the better you’ll do. In other words, if you stand on the driving range...

Pesky is a Limiter

“Pesky” is the name I have given to that little voice that sits on your shoulder (or in your head). He is all too quick to tell you: – You’re not good enough – To NOT hit the ball into the water – That you’re about to stuff up...

This Is Why Golf Can Be So Hard

Golf can be really difficult. And it seems, the harder you try, the worse things can become. And this gets frustrating and it can feel like there’s no way out of the golfing doldrums. Struggle long enough and your golf can become an unhealthy obsession that can...