May 4, 2021 | Automatic Golf, Pesky
“Pesky” is the name I have given to that little voice that sits on your shoulder (or in your head). He is all too quick to tell you: – You’re not good enough – To NOT hit the ball into the water – That you’re about to stuff up...
Apr 28, 2021 | Automatic Golf
Golf can be really difficult. And it seems, the harder you try, the worse things can become. And this gets frustrating and it can feel like there’s no way out of the golfing doldrums. Struggle long enough and your golf can become an unhealthy obsession that can...
Jun 11, 2019 | Automatic Golf
Over the weekend I was chatting to a mate about his golf game. This guy is a complete geek and wanted me to smash him between the eyes with a better process. He didn’t want me to hold back and wanted what I think is the best ways for golfing success. As a full...
Nov 29, 2018 | Automatic Golf, Automatic Golf Reboot, golf coaching, Golf Learing
I received the below from a new client during the week. Hello, I watched your intro video this morning and then went and played 9 holes using the throw club and throw ball ideas. I was blown away by results. They seem completely different swings though and I trust the...
Nov 16, 2018 | Automatic Golf, Golf Learning
… is going to be way better than anything anyone else can give you. I know this goes against the way most of us want to learn to play golf. We go searching and are on the lookout for the next big swing tip. But at the end of the day, this is not helping. Plus,...
Nov 15, 2018 | Automatic Golf, Golf Learning
Great writers write first and edit later. The poor ones think too much and keep getting writer’s block (and this is why most say that they “can’t write”). And it’s hard to keep writing when you know there’s an odd spelling mistake...