Why it’s hard to fix your golf swing

I was intrigued with a segment on a popular golf TV show this week. The bulk of the show was highlighting the new club fitting facility at the Melbourne Golf Academy. The set-up is run by Taylor Made Golf and it certainly looked impressive. They have a complete set of...

Is this really the easiest way to play golf?

If you knew everything there was to know about golf that would be a shame. At least, it would be a problem if you wanted to play your best golf. Let me explain. If you knew everything then you’d know too much. You would, – hold back and be too scared to...

The 5 Imperative Laws of Automatic Golf

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you’ll hopefully be playing golf with more freedom and enthusiasm. I hope this is the case. If not, or if you’re new here, the following post will give you the 5 most essential steps to mastering automatic...

Building trust with your golf game

Trust almost never comes your way with the good shots. It certainly doesn’t turn up with those easy shots and courses you play. Trust is built when the going gets tough and you’re prepared to battle your way through. When you embrace the fear, self-doubt...

Be the ball

“I’ve had a breakthrough!” These were the words Scott first mentioned to me. He was calling from the airport lounge, and had been watching the TV before departure. “Not sure what event is on, but I’ve been watching some golf and...

Part 2: Imbecile Golf Coaching

Jem provided some interesting comments about the previous post. I really appreciate his comments, they challenge me and help improve the quality of the content delivered. So this is not a bashing session, just a way to continue the discussion and improve on the...