Aug 14, 2008 | Golf Instruction
Since I’ve been spilling the beans on playing automatically I’ve received a number of questions about alignment. The most common one is, “how do I align to the target?”. Good question. After testing this extensively I believe that alignment is...
Aug 11, 2008 | Golf Instruction
Last week I spoke about “the secret of golf” – the steps to automating your golf game. Today I want to expand on that concept further and discuss the strategies for better concentration. Concentration is key. Far more important than swing skills if...
Aug 5, 2008 | Featured, Golf Instruction
I don’t believe in golfing secrets, quick fixes or miracles cures. But what I’m about to share with you could be the next best thing. If you learn to master the following lesson (it takes practice, discipline and never ending commitment) you will...
Aug 5, 2008 | Golf Instruction
There has always been a major issue with learning to automate your golf swing. John from NSW has had to deal with it lately and it’s something that most automatic golfers have to figure out. It’s hitting the ball too far Because you’re free flowing,...
Aug 3, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
So you think you swing too quickly. I don’t think you do. Swinging quickly is often used as an excuse for a bad shot or the reason why you can’t hit the ball. But it’s nonsense… If there’s one thing that you must learn to do if you want...
Aug 1, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
If only I could trust my swing”, I have heard that many times on the golf course. Golfers everywhere are looking for the inner belief that they are going to make a good shot. This inner belief is what leads to confidence and ultimately better scores – so...