Crazy-Simple Putting Advice

Crazy-Simple Putting Advice

In my last email (it was popular and you can check it out here if you missed it) I discussed my really simple chipping ideas… … ideas which work wonderfully and over the journey, have probably saved me 1000s of shots. The big point I was trying to make here is that...
The Path To Putting Success

The Path To Putting Success

The below email came from Simon (a Look & Shoot customer) and I think this is one of the most insightful emails I’ve received. Why? Because he highlights perfectly the path to real putting success. Here’s the email. I had an average round in tough...
Simple Putting Advice

Simple Putting Advice

I was doing some coaching the other day with a Look & Shoot client who was a having some trouble. Like a lot of adult golfers, this guy was making things more complicated and therefore way more difficult than they needed to be. And, he was also making a common...
Confidence and the putting game

Confidence and the putting game

I’ve asked 10,000+ golfers what they want to get out of my Look & Shoot Putting book. The overwhelming response is, CONFIDENCE How does one get confidence? The best way is to appreciate that your inbuilt learning system is more than capable of rolling the...

Relax, and Putt Better

These kind of results in the image can’t be understated. It’s so important to feel comfortable on the course so you can trust and let your learning system shine. For too long, golfers have been brainwashed into thinking that their technique is horrible,...

Justin Rose thinks better

Here’s an interesting article for those that are in the market for a better putting game. While it may be possible (I don’t really think it works long term) to go all technical, change putters and fiddle about on the greens etc, Justin Rose offers a...