Golf with Brock

Brock is a regular reader and contributor to Golfgooroo. He started up his own little golf group and this may be of interest to you if you live in Melbourne and are looking for a game. Brock is definitely a convert to Automatic Golf and from what I can gather, these...

My Little Golfgooroo

Clare and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of Jessica Strachan this morning. Mum and bub are in great shape – Dad was pretty much getting in the way. She managed to scrunch her face just as I took the pic.

A driving range experience

I don’t go to driving ranges very often and yesterday I reminded myself why. Things got off to a bad start when I wasn’t allowed to hit balls in the empty section of the range. I’ve got no idea why and was forced to hit shots from a crammed bay that...

Automatic Golf Questions Answered

There’s always questions about automatic golf. They come in everyday: Is automatic golf for me? Is it for beginners? What makes it different from traditional golf? How do I apply it to my game? Will it work? Can I expect to see improvement quickly? The list goes...

What a day

After about 30 hours of travel I’ve finally made it to North Carolina. I’m over here catching up with a mate and attending a seminar in Chicago next week. I’ll get back to all of the awesome posts soon (getting over a little jet lag at the moment)...

Some common questions answered (FAQ’s)

The golf blog has been going under some changes. Thought it would be a good idea to explain my ideas and answer some of the questions that have been asked more than once. Here goes. Why have you turned this into a Members Only blog? I really wanted a way to provide...