Dear golfer,

All the best for 2008. I hope you had a good festive period.

Let me tell you that I’m all fired up…I’ve had a fantastic break
and am now ready to take my golf & business to the next level.

You will know that I’m passionate about automated learning and
playing golf more instinctively. If you don’t learn to automate
your game you will NEVER reach you full potential and to be honest
you are missing out.

Anyway I need your help. I would like for you to send me a short
email outlining your biggest golfing problems…don’t hold back.
Tell me what annoys you and what you’d like to get better with.


If you’d had success (or failure) with automating your golf game
please let me know.

I will personally read each email and award the best story with one
of my new golf products. I can’t tell you much about it yet but it
is not far away.

So get writing. Tell me about your golf and what you want to improve.

If you haven’t seen The Power Stool yet check out this new video,

The Power Stool helps you develop a more simple swing without
destroying your natural game. I love it!

I look forward to getting your email.

Good golfing,

Cameron Strachan