This is a website for confused, frustrated and fed up golfers. We make golf success no harder than riding a bike or driving a car. And our point of difference is we focus on a learning mindset rather than just swing technique.
Crazy-Simple Putting Advice
In my last email (it was popular and you can check it out here if you missed it) I discussed my really simple chipping ideas… … ideas which work wonderfully and over the journey, have probably saved me 1000s of shots. The big point I was trying to make here is that...
Why this “Easy” Shot is the Smartest Shot (And How to Master It)
I played the other day in a semi-serious competition. I was paired with some pretty good golfers and they were eager to do well. The first hole was a complete eyeopener with respects to the difference between playing an easy shot versus hitting a shot one thinks is...
Stop being emotional
I used to get so emotional when golfing that it would ALWAYS stop me playing at my best. Sometimes I’d get so worked up before golf that I would start poorly and my day was done before getting to the back nine. Other days I’d start well, only to get more and more...
PGA Tour Star