Important story about Putting, Golf Swing and Advanced Learning Strategies

Please listen to the audio below. It's one of the most important things I have ever put together and has almost come about by chance. Please click the audio button below and listen - total length is a tick over 30 minutes.

Note: The file is now a video with audio only.

More Information

This all sounds too good to be true but it really is possible to enhance your game by listening to an audio file.

This program was initially only aimed at putting, but we've now added a high performance audios that will assist you with all parts of your game including,

  • playing your best under pressure
  • building confidence
  • reducing poor decisions and "brain fades"
  • playing your best to the last putt on hole 18

All you have to do is listen. Play the audio a few times per week and your subconscious will do the rest. The hidden messages in the music bypass your ego mind (I call this Pesky) and hits you deep in your learning system.

Audios include:

15 minute putting
60 minute putting
High Performance 15 minute
High Performance 60 minute
Bonus - combined putting and high performance 15 minute

Access is immediate through my online platform.

Bonus: I've added a whole range of bonus audios that complement this product nicely. There's no charge for these special audios that cover my thoughts on all aspects of golf learning and peak performance.