A natural swing … Is this the way to better golf?

Sally Jenkins’ article is spot on. Here are a few quotes with my thoughts below. What that ought to tell you is that there’s no ”right” technique, and you should fire your instructor if he insists there is. CS: Couldn’t agree more. While...

Simple and Easy

What’s the simplest and easiest shot I can hit right now? If you’re struggling with your game, playing inconsistently and are just stuck, then this is the phrase I want you to have ringing in your ears the next time you play. Aim to hit the simplest and...

Trusting my golf swing and being a co-pilot

Golf can be so frustrating! You think you’ve got the game worked out and then the next minute you’re struggling. The last few months of golf have not been that good for me. Maybe the worse in over 10 years. I took 12 shots up the last hole in the Club...

Simplicity Wins

The more simply you approach playing golf the better you’ll do. Problems arise when you make a mistake and Pesky wants to assert his power. The normal thing (what you’re probably doing now) is to think and try and work out what you’re doing wrong....

Find your groove

It’s important that your find your groove. Another way of saying this is finding your natural golf swing. This means that you’ve got to find (and use) the golf swing that feels good to you. More importantly, it means you’ve got to use the golf swing...