How to simplify your golf game

There’s a minefield of information available to us, Google, Youtube, TV, Books and DVDs. And if you feel the need you can spend hours, weeks, months and years trying to get through it all. But does more information help? I think not and if you’re to play...

The art of blogging and playing better golf

One of my other jobs is helping small business owners create what I call “education marketing” systems. I’ve helped a number of clients spread the word about their expertise and along the way assist their customers get what they want. It’s a...

Why automatic golf?

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Why automatic golf?

How to cure the golf shanks

Received this the other day from a new subscriber after a few emails back and forwards and after he had read my book: I have to say my ball striking with irons and woods is really really good BUT with the short irons (PW/9i) from 115-130yards I seem to have developed...