How finding the love of your life can help your golf game

Do you want to play better golf? Most golfers that write to me do but the vast majority don’t know how to do it. First of all let’s define what better golf is. My simple version is being able to play good golf out on the golf course. For most golfers this...

The best things about playing automatically…

Here’s a list of things that make playing golf more automatically and natural worthwhile; Driving to the course knowing you’re going to play well Focusing on playing golf rather than on golf tips or other gimmicks Playing to your handicap (or better) more...

Automatic is not a quick fix

I hate quick fix lessons and promises of miracle cures. I don’t believe they exist or offer any long term results. I received an email from someone who downloaded my putting book on Thursday and tried it out on Friday. He didn’t do so well and has decided...