Jun 5, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
I’ve been receiving emails this week asking if natural and automatic learning can work for the respective senders. Here’s my short answer; YES! A more detailed response is; If you struggle to play consistently then natural learning can help you. If you yip...
Apr 24, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
Here’s a list of things that make playing golf more automatically and natural worthwhile; Driving to the course knowing you’re going to play well Focusing on playing golf rather than on golf tips or other gimmicks Playing to your handicap (or better) more...
Apr 18, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
Many golfers spend so much time worrying about their golf swing technique that they have little or no chance of playing their best golf. Traditional instruction focuses almost exclusively on golf mechanics so it really is not surprising that golfers place a high...
Apr 5, 2008 | Golf Instruction
I hate quick fix lessons and promises of miracle cures. I don’t believe they exist or offer any long term results. I received an email from someone who downloaded my putting book on Thursday and tried it out on Friday. He didn’t do so well and has decided...