Jun 2, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
G’day there, I’m back after a short break. A question that I keep getting asked is, “I’ve tried automating my swing but I’m still hitting poor shots”. The first thing is that golf really is a difficult game and no matter how much...
Apr 30, 2008 | Articles, BioSwing, Golf Instruction, Golf Mechanics
Golfers like to work on their swing and search for the ‘secret’ or golf tip that can help them improve. Although I’m not a big fan of quick tips or jumping around looking for a miracle cure, correct golf mechanics are important. There is so much...
Apr 18, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
Many golfers spend so much time worrying about their golf swing technique that they have little or no chance of playing their best golf. Traditional instruction focuses almost exclusively on golf mechanics so it really is not surprising that golfers place a high...
Apr 17, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction, Short Game
I’ve been receiving quite a bit of email about golfers struggling with their short game. I think it’s time to cover some of the basics. Before I do that, there is one key issue holding most golfers back… They don’t practice! If you are...