Jun 4, 2017 | golf coaching
Had an interesting email exchange with a client during the week. He wanted to know my thoughts on coaching his young son. While this article refers to a beginning golfer, the same rules apply, whether you’re coaching a junior golfer, or an adult who is new to...
Mar 24, 2015 | golf coaching
This is often the argument presented when I tell others that most modern instruction is too technical and doesn’t work too well*. My response? But learning is instinctive to us all. So despite the fact that nobody is born with a golf club in their hand, we all...
Mar 24, 2015 | golf coaching
Amanda is a 16 year old golfer. She’s talented but a little stuck. Her coach told me that she has been “messed up” and is working on getting her game back on track. I could see right away she has a flair for the game. She wasn’t interested in...