Jan 10, 2013 | Golf Instruction
I used to panic, get nervous and generally stuff things up. No matter how hard I tried, how much I practised or how much I wanted to succeed, I could never get my body to do what I wanted. It’s bloody frustrating and I’m sure your golf game has delivered...
Aug 9, 2012 | Golf Instruction
The temptation is to fight the nerves and fear. You shouldn’t. You might be thinking that your ideal golf game is going to turn up when you finally rid yourself of nerves. It’s not going to happen. You’re probably hoping that your next game of golf...
Apr 3, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
I’ve made a serious commitment to write four or five blog posts a week. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with something interesting and beneficial. When I get stuck I write. I stop thinking and let the pen (keyboard) flow. Almost always something of real...