Apr 1, 2008 | Golf Instruction
If you’re struggling to play your best golf then the chances are you’re making one or more of these mistakes… Thinking about your swing while you’re over the ball. Playing with your head and not your heart Changing your swing or style while out...
Mar 13, 2008 | Articles, Golf Instruction
Dear Golfer, I’ve just spent a few days away with family and friends. As usual I took my clubs and manged to get in a game of golf. I was joined by my brother, a family friend and my girlfriend. Being the only golfer (also known as the ‘golfer guy’)...
Feb 18, 2008 | Golf Instruction
Dear Golfer, I think improving at golf can be difficult because the path to do so is not always obvious. In fact, I believe if you want to reach a higher level of play you need to take counter intuitive steps. These steps are not obvious and actually go against...
Jan 24, 2008 | Golf Instruction
Dear golfer, I wrote yesterday about the problems with being safe while playing, explaining that golfers who try and be careful and dainty with their driver will never hit the ball as far as they like. I think it’s a big problem. As adults, many attempt to...
Jan 22, 2008 | Golf Instruction
G’day, I gave a couple of lessons today and it really hit home on why some golfers struggle with distance. Safe is powerless. Let me explain. To hit the ball as far as you can you need to feel a little out of control. I don’t think there is any other way....