Getting more from Automatic Golf

The last post on Slow and Heavy created some feedback. I like it when that happens – what started as an idea while in the shower, turned out to be an informative post that got people thinking. The questions and comments push me too. They get me going and...

Slow and heavy

When I’m playing well my swing feels slow and heavy. When things aren’t going to plan it’s more like fast and light. Heavy stuff is easy to “feel” and when the club head feels heavy I have this sensation I can move the thing with power....

An automatic golf swing

Grayden has been reading my stuff for years. We’ve done a lot of back and forwards via email (don’t think we’ve actually spoken yet) and he has been a regular contributor on many of the blog posts. Grayden’s progress has been real –...

Why your teacher was probably wrong

I used to hate writing when at school. Assignments and essays used to send me into a spin – I’d panic at the thought of a 500 word deadline. Most of the time they wouldn’t get done or the attempt was so pathetic it was embarrassing. Today is...

Doing something different.

Received the below from James… Back in the late seventies and early eighties when I was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point, I used to golf with a lot of retired Marines. I gleaned a good bit of wisdom from them, and want to share this piece of advice I got from...