Golfing Shortcuts

An old golfing mate asked me over the weekend what my #1 secret was for playing better golf. He wanted to know what one thing (shortcut) has allowed me to improve my golf the most. Don’t know what he thought of my response, but I think he was expecting something...

How to play your best golf after a break

Most of us don’t get a chance to play as much golf as we’d like. Work, family and other interests keep us away from the golf course and the practice fairway. If you want to play your best golf then you have to learn how to turn up and play after a break or...

I’m a player

Are you a player? I’d like to think that I’m now a player. My online golfing buddy is definitely a player. Most golfers turn up, try hard but in my opinion don’t play golf. You’re not playing golf if you; Continually change your golf swing...

How to get lucky and improve your game

Us golfers can be obsessed with getting better. The problem is that quick fixes and miracle cures are often the focus. Golf magazines and many coaches like to promise “improve your swing in 5 minutes” to better play, this all sounds great but rarely does...

How I Avoided a Terrible Score

This is a quick update from Saturday’s post. Sometimes things don’t go to plan. My first round in the Club Championships did not get off to a good start, I kept making bogeys and was struggling badly. I was four over after five holes and when I made...