Dance, don’t speed

A big mistake I see with playing automatically is golfers playing too quickly. They incorrectly assume that they need to play fast, hoping to block out distractions and getting on with things before a malfunction takes place. But this is wrong. Playing too quickly is...

7 Lessons for Better Chipping

It’s true. If you want to improve your golf game you really should improve your chipping. Easy words to say, but how do you do it? Here’s my seven best lessons for improving your chipping; Brush the ground to learn a perfect strike Grab a piece of chalk...

How To Improve Your Golf Swing

OK – so you’ve been playing automatically but you now want to improve your golf swing. What’s the best way and how do you do it? Great question and one that needs some attention. First off, you need to have spent some time playing automatically. This...

An insight into the perfect mindset

It’s not always about shooting a great score. Sometimes playing with freedom, fun and without stress makes the game worthwhile. This reader understands the magic of a perfect mindset; For the past few weeks I’ve tried your techniques, including in a few...

Why alignment isn’t so important

Since I’ve been spilling the beans on playing automatically I’ve received a number of questions about alignment. The most common one is, “how do I align to the target?”. Good question. After testing this extensively I believe that alignment is...