Jul 10, 2013 | Golf Instruction, Short Game
Since the installation of my amazing putting green I wander outside at around 4.30pm each day for some golf practice. And almost always I take my 60 degree lobby and do some short game practice. This is an area of the game that I definitely neglected, and if I had my...
Jul 9, 2013 | Golf Instruction
A huge mistake with golf practice is standing in the one spot and hitting the same shot over and over. Many falsely believe that this kind of repetition practice produces muscle memory and our system will remember how to play. Learning doesn’t work like this....
Jul 8, 2013 | Golf Instruction, Short Game
I think I first heard of this drill from Dave Pelz and it’s a beauty. I was mucking around yesterday at the Golf Farm, hitting some chips while on the phone and decided to do a podcast about it. I managed to convince Clare to step outside later in the day and...
Feb 4, 2013 | Golf Instruction
Grayden has been reading my stuff for years. We’ve done a lot of back and forwards via email (don’t think we’ve actually spoken yet) and he has been a regular contributor on many of the blog posts. Grayden’s progress has been real –...