Why playing more golf might not help your score

How good could you become if you had all of the time in the world to play and practice? Think about it? Imagine if you didn’t have to work and could devote yourself full-time to lowering your handicap. Wouldn’t this be every golfer’s dream? To play...

Those little shots…

I’ve been receiving quite a bit of email about golfers struggling with their short game. I think it’s time to cover some of the basics. Before I do that, there is one key issue holding most golfers back… They don’t practice! If you are...

Dealing with pressure

With the Masters over for another year I thought it would be a good time to talk about playing golf under pressure. It doesn’t matter how good a golfer you are, you will experience pressure on certain shots, and if you don’t know how to cope with the...

Automatic is not a quick fix

I hate quick fix lessons and promises of miracle cures. I don’t believe they exist or offer any long term results. I received an email from someone who downloaded my putting book on Thursday and tried it out on Friday. He didn’t do so well and has decided...