Better Golf Practice Ideas

Two important processes to understand when it comes to golf practice is: Frequency and, Relevancy Simply, the more you practice golf in a way that’s similar to actually playing golf, the better you’ll do. In other words, if you stand on the driving range...

Pesky is a Limiter

“Pesky” is the name I have given to that little voice that sits on your shoulder (or in your head). He is all too quick to tell you: – You’re not good enough – To NOT hit the ball into the water – That you’re about to stuff up...

A simpler process to better golf

Over the weekend I was chatting to a mate about his golf game. This guy is a complete geek and wanted me to smash him between the eyes with a better process. He didn’t want me to hold back and wanted what I think is the best ways for golfing success. As a full...

How to coach a junior golfer

Had an interesting email exchange with a client during the week. He wanted to know my thoughts on coaching his young son. While this article refers to a beginning golfer, the same rules apply, whether you’re coaching a junior golfer, or an adult who is new to...

Some golf pros have a way to go …

I was at the Queensland Open over the weekend to have a look. It was great to walk the fairways and get up and close to watch the pros play. Those boys can certainly hit the ball and many of them can’t be far from cracking it on a bigger tour somewhere. Many of...