“But the golf swing isn’t a natural move”

Yes, but learning is natural. And being told to hold the club exactly like this, swinging on this plane, cocking your wrists and rotating like that goes against our instincts. We hardly ever make other skills this complicated. Sometimes, the best solution is to walk...

Lee Westwood

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/101909399″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Lee Westwood Other stuff: You can check out the story I wrote from 2002...

The problem with trying to fix your golf swing

To get the full back story about this golf lesson, head over to this post that I wrote earlier in 2013. Richard really is one of the best golfers I’ve played with. He plays quickly Doesn’t stuff about in any shape or form Doesn’t take himself too...

An automatic golf swing

Grayden has been reading my stuff for years. We’ve done a lot of back and forwards via email (don’t think we’ve actually spoken yet) and he has been a regular contributor on many of the blog posts. Grayden’s progress has been real –...