[True Story] This really annoyed me …

I was in Melbourne last week on some golf green business. I also got chatting to a young golf pro whose story annoyed me. Young Pro loves golf and wants to be the best player he can be. Like a lot of trainee golf pro’s he’s finding things a bit tough. The...

Can you really play golf free from fear?

Grayden correctly points out that if you don’t care then it’s possible. But (there’s always a but). It’s my experience not many can play without caring. I can only think of one golfer who is able to do it consistently. He plays for fun and...

Playing golf without fear

It might not be possible. Doesn’t mean you succumb to the awkwardness or uneasiness. Embrace it. Accept that fear (or self-doubt or whatever you’re going to call it) is normal. No point in fighting it. When you get very clear on your intention and then...

The only golf tip you need …

It’s not trying to swing slowly. Or, Keeping your head down or even Swinging on plane. These things are tricks and they rarely work that well. It’s sad because a lot of the golf industry is built around these golf tips (especially the magazines). At best,...

I used to play off …

Heard it 100 times. “Cameron, I used to play off 9 (insert your lowest handicap number here) but I have now lost the plot” Here’s the usual story: Golfer gets down to a fairly low handicap before Pesky and the adult mind kicks in. Golfer...