Why automatic golf?

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/95931568″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Why automatic golf?

How to take your golf to the next level

I was standing on the 17th green and my mind was wondering all over the place. Why are you playing so poorly? Why are you feeling nervous? What are you scared of? This guy should have beaten you by now but he doesn’t want to win… It was my first time in...

Why golf science and playing the game don’t mix

Andrew sent me the video below. It’s titled, Golf Biodynamics Explains Bubba’s Swing Science At Live on Masters 2013. It’s an awful title and what generally happens when humans try and write for search engines rather than for humans. That aside,...

This is what is wrong with the world

I was surprised to see a friend post this link on his Facebook page and more surprised that he seemed to be seriously considering it. A really smart dude that does a lot of good in the business world, he seems to be suckered into the mentality that we can take a pill...

What my Dad taught me about playing golf

My Old Man is a terrible golfer and not someone who should be let near a golf course – he’s only played a handful of games and there’s nothing there that would suggest he’d trouble the scorers in a good way. In his professional life he was a...