Feb 6, 2013 | Golf Instruction
I found this site late last year and have been tossing up whether to write about Dan’s mission. I’m conflicted because to put your dreams out there, to tell your story, requires lots of courage. And sometimes it’s all too easy for others to be...
Jan 15, 2013 | Golf Instruction
Received the below from James… Back in the late seventies and early eighties when I was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point, I used to golf with a lot of retired Marines. I gleaned a good bit of wisdom from them, and want to share this piece of advice I got from...
Jan 10, 2013 | Golf Instruction
I used to panic, get nervous and generally stuff things up. No matter how hard I tried, how much I practised or how much I wanted to succeed, I could never get my body to do what I wanted. It’s bloody frustrating and I’m sure your golf game has delivered...