Aug 22, 2021 | Look & Shoot, Putting
I’ve asked 10,000+ golfers what they want to get out of my Look & Shoot Putting book. The overwhelming response is, CONFIDENCE How does one get confidence? The best way is to appreciate that your inbuilt learning system is more than capable of rolling the...
Jul 13, 2021 | Dot Putter
I received the below from a local Optometrist a few years ago. If you wear glasses or are having trouble with your putting then please take note. It’s one of the most important things you’ll read with respects to your putting game. Here’s the email:...
Jun 1, 2015 | Dot Putter, Putting
The Putting Professor is on fire! He sent me an article last week and then another yesterday. I think the weather has been poor in Melbourne so he has been stuck inside with nothing to do. So we can all learn from a guy who thinks deeply about how to take fewer putts....