More thoughts on Adam Scott and putting

Some people might think that Adam Scott would putt better if he was able to hit the ball closer to the hole. There’s no doubt that if Adam was able to nail one of those 7 approaches in the playoff, he would have won. One of the commentators (I think it was Ian...

What’s wrong with Adam Scott’s Putting?

I was frustrated watching Adam Scott putt over the last few weeks. It was like he was putting with one arm tied behind his back. Just didn’t look comfortable or ready. He should have won the Australian Masters. He wasn’t at his best and certainly did well...

The Power of Automatic Putting

This video of Jack Nicklaus shows perhaps the perfect way to approach putting. Take a look where you want the ball to go. Get set. And then putt. It’s easy to over-think putts and get worried about where the ball is going to go. But when you look and shoot your...