Jun 27, 2013 | Golf Instruction, Golf Podcast
This is a combined Walking With Koda and blog post today. It’s a super golf lesson and a must for anyone who wants to get better perspective and more from Automatic Golf. Here’s the story: I have received quite a bit of correspondence over the last few...
Jan 9, 2013 | Golf Instruction
This email is rather typical of what I receive each week. Thank you for all your work helping us golfers to improve, in your article about grip from the biomechanical research you say: Grip the club across the base of your trailing hand. could you please explain...
Nov 22, 2012 | Golf Instruction
The other day I wrote about my experience of playing with some great coaches. I’ve received some great feedback from those guys and Scotty reminded me of another, more profound, incident. As mentioned, Scott doesn’t play a lot of golf. He is a once or...