Augusta Penalty Shots

Tianlang Guan copped a penalty for slow play on Friday afternoon. And so he should have. Slow play is a blight on the game and the sooner the game’s hierarchy stamp it out the better. It was unfortunate for the 14 year-old to be on the receiving end, but just...

Making golf harder than it needs to be

James posted an insightful comment yesterday. Look how many folks have studied (and are still studying) Ben Hogan’s swing, and yet how many Ben Hogans has all that effort produced? None. No one is even close! There is only one Ben Hogan and that’s the way it will...

C’mon Tiger!

Tiger had some interesting comments after the US PGA. Here’s some of what he said, ”I was just trying to be, you know, a little bit happy out there and enjoy it,” Woods said. ”Unfortunately, that’s not how I play.” ”I was...

Finally! Someone speaking some sense

Butch Harmon has made some insightful comments about Tiger Woods in the Wall Street Journal. From a coaching and learning perspective his remarks are spot on. I’m pleased to hear a coach getting away from the technical instruction that’s so prevalent....

Why you shouldn’t copy Tiger’s golf swing

The second episode of The Rogue Golfer Podcast is live. In this episode I talk about why you don’t want to copy Tiger’s golf swing (or any other swing for that matter). This is quite a controversial topic that’s sure to get a few people talking....